Monday, September 30, 2019

Demand in Life

Life is not just about being happy and being able to enjoy what we love to do. We all have a lot of things that we need to get done, but many of us have absolutely nothing to do with what is truly important in our lives with so many demands on our time. For this reason, it is easy to feel like we are losing control in our life. Time itself will not going to slow down and demands on our time will not go away too. If we want the situation to be change, it is going to be up to us to change it. Time management is the best tool that we can use that can will help us to accomplish our demands in life. There is only one life to be able to spend my lives in my own way. So, I am setting my priorities to achieve my demands in life. Whatever I do in my life is essential to make my life easier. It is important that I can manage to face the challenges that come in my way that will take a huge amount of my time such as hobbies, job and family. Generally, many of us let go some of our interest and hobbies to meet our demands in life. My hobbies help me release my stress. I know that stress can destroy me and it can also drain my mental and physical energy. In my case, I am rather being with my son’s baseball practice and games instead of going to the gym and work out. I don’t want to miss any important event in his life. I want to be there to support and cheer him up. Likewise, I also gave up my hobby as a dance choreographer to be able to spend quality time with my family especially weekend. Furthermore, my job takes lots of my time because I need to make my handmade creations and sell it online. Each and every one of us has different aspect in life. I make decision based on the situation that demands my priorities. Therefore, I know that demand in life will takes lots of time to reach my goals. For instance, working at home as an entrepreneur risks my time, but I need to work to support my school and family expenses. Even though the risk is high but I still successfully establish my own business that gives me the opportunity to have full control over it. Finally, how do I fit roles such as a mother, a wife and a friend into my hectic schedule? Since, time is precious for me and there’s one life to live, keeping a balance between my career and family can be challenge. As a mother, a wife, a student and a businesswoman takes up a huge amount of time from doing my school obligation. Family demands more attention and devotion because they are my priority. I believe that being a mother is the most expensive job in the world. In these instances, support from my family has to be there and understanding. Additionally, when my son is involved, I need to adjust my lives so I can have time to spend quality time with him. As a mother and a wife, it is my responsibility to make sure that they have delicious and healthy meal on the table, clean clothes to wear and most of all a happy, clean and relaxing home to stay. Therefore, the biggest challenge that I am facing is how to balance the demands of my hobbies, job and family. I have to make sacrifice in order to achieve my aspirations. In addition, doing the thing I love will have the opportunity to explore new challenges. It also helps me grow as individuals and learn new things about myself. I believe that my life is a gift and I want to treasure every moment of it to live my life to the fullest.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Discipline in Secondary Schools

Section 1: Introduction 1. 1 Background of the Study The schools and other educational institutions today are facing large problems regarding the issue on the students’ lack of self discipline resulting to under-achievements of the students in the school as well as violence within the school premises. How close are these two issues related to each other? Mostly, the age-stage of which the student enters when he attends secondary school is ranged as the puberty stage of an individual’s growth.According to psychologists, this particular stage of growth introduces an individual to several major decisions that he has to face along the way towards his maturity. Hence, confusion of priorities and aggravation of depression through the environment occurs (Coon, 1999, 88). As reports could attest to this fact, it is not that hard to understand that there is an essential need of restructuring the procedures of the school when it comes to disciplining students who are attending se condary education. This is the reason why the researcher of this paper opted to discuss the issue mentioned.The timeliness of the research would indeed help in solving the problems at present especially with regards the issues of education, discipline and student achievements. 1. 2 Significance of the Problem The problem as mentioned earlier directly affects the achievements of the students in their schools. This means that because of the lack of discipline, the students of the secondary school level face the challenges of being misaligned when it comes to their focus and at some point become highly attracted to drugs and violence.This is the fact when it comes to school procedures. The actual reports that pertain to the said issue are indeed much disturbing and further more alarming to the institutional boards. As most of the schools affected by this dilemma are public educational institutions at [79%] whilst Private schools are affected by at least [45%], it is indeed necessary to identify the reasons behind the incidents that lead to students’ lesser interest in school and a higher rate of attraction towards drugs and violence.Through the proceedings of this particular research, it is expected that the reasons behind the ongoing issue in schools would be further regulated and controlled by institutional administrations through the use of psychological and psychosocial motivation. 1. 3 Research Questions To be bale to attend to the most important issues related to this particular problem, the researcher decided to use the following questions as guidelines for the completion of this particular study: †¢ What are the primary sources of the discipline of the students?Do those sources pertain to the personal or the social connection of the students to the society? †¢ How are students reacting to the discipline that they learn from their homes and from their environment? What are the elements that are so far affecting the vision of the students t owards their achievements in school as well as towards their future? †¢ How are drugs and violence related to the effects of lack of discipline among students? These particular questions shall serve as the primary foundation of the study.These questions shall be the settling ground of the researcher in finding the right sources for the completion of this paper as well as deciding on the right method to be used to collect actual data for the validation of this study. 1. 4 Purpose of the Study To add up to the stress that this study places on the topic to be discussed in this paper, the following presentation of the purposes would primarily support the existing statements of the problem to assist in the validation of the facts that are to be presented.The purposes of this study are: †¢ TO assist the ongoing researches on school students’ discipline issues and help the institutions solve the impending results of the said problems. †¢ To make assessments on how the issues could be investigated through the use of psychological assessments and actual-report-based evaluations of the situation. †¢ To strengthen the procedures of student motivation that is already currently used in schools in the society today.The utilization of these purposes within the completion of this study certainly helps in aligning the focus of the researcher. Hence, by doing so, the researcher expects that the focus would be on the cycle of events that involve The source of discipline, the results of the influential elements of the environment to the discipline of the students and the future of the students afterwards. Section 2: Literature Review 2. 1 What Psychology Says and how Anthropology Relates Both psychology and anthropology concentrate on the behavioral study of humans.Through the use of the said studies, the reasons behind the occurring behaviors of students in secondary school could be well identified. With regards the issue on discipline and how it affec ts the students, Psychologists claim that the situation is much controlled by the upbringing of the students. The original discipline that they receive from their homes are supposed to be the basis of why they act the way they do when they are already mingling with their peers or with the society as it is. (Coon, 1999, 89)Moreover, girls of the same age are differently reacting to the discipline that they receive from their homes compared to that of the boys. Anthropological studies attest to the claims of psychology as the said field of human understanding particularly points out the instance by which the discipline received by students from their homes are directly affected by the elements of the environment when they already begin to mingle with their peers or the society. As mentioned earlier, the effects vary.To young girls, the discipline that they receive from their homes are more likely more evident in their system of dealing with others as young girls are expected to be mor e emotionally and personally attached to the their families compare to that of the boys who are at some point more affected by the elements of change that they encounter in dealing with other people especially with their peers (Coon, 1999, 90). Knowing the sources of the discipline, it is essential to evaluate the claims of both psychology and anthropology through the use of the actual reports that are further presented for better understanding of the readers. .2 What Actual Reports Say Discipline is one primary element that is highly needed in schools, however, the irony pertains to the fact that it is also the primary element that is lacking in the said system of social connection at present. According to William, of Kenya, things have changed in this regard in Africa too. He said: â€Å"Discipline among the children is on the decline. When I was growing up [he is now in his 40’s], teachers ranked among the most respected people in African society. The teacher was always s een by young and old as a role model. This respect is on the decline.Western culture is slowly influencing young ones, even in rural Africa. Movies, videos, and literature depict lack of respect for authority as something heroic. † (Awake! 1999, 25) Giuliano, who teaches in Italy, laments: â€Å"Children are affected by the spirit of rebellion, insubordination, and disobedience that permeates the whole of society. † (Awake! 1999, 29) Sad to say, drugs have also become a problem in schools—so much so that U. S. teacher and author LouAnne Johnson writes: â€Å"Drug-abuse prevention is part of nearly every school curriculum, starting in kindergarten. Italics ours. ]Children know much more about drugs . . . than most adults do. † She adds: â€Å"Students who feel lost, unloved, lonely, bored, or insecure are most likely to experiment with drugs. †(2002, 51) Amira teaches in Guanajuato State, Mexico. She admits: â€Å"We face problems of violence and dr ug addiction in the family that directly affect the children. They are immersed in an environment in which they learn foul language and other vices. Another big problem is poverty. Although schooling here is free, the parents have to buy the notebooks, pens, and other materials.But food must come first. † (Johnson, 2002, 59) In the United States, recent shooting incidents at schools have highlighted that gun-related violence is not a minor problem in that land. One report states: â€Å"It is estimated that 135,000 guns are brought to the nation’s 87,125 public schools each day. To reduce the number of guns in schools, officials are using metal detectors, surveillance cameras, specially trained dogs to sniff out guns, locker sweeps, identification tags, and a prohibition against bringing book bags to school. (Teaching in America)Such security measures make one ask, Are we talking of schools or prisons? The report adds that more than 6,000 students have been expelled for taking guns to school. (Johnson, 2002, 29) 2. 3 Impact of the Reports and the Experts’ Claims As it could be noted above, the claims of the experts with regards the behavioral disposition of students in secondary schools are directly connected with the actual results of the reports that have been presented herein.The usage of this researches and reports within this study shall indeed help the researcher find the link between the experts’ analysis of the issue and further more relating it to how and why the actual reports on lack of discipline and violence in secondary schools occur. Section 3: Methodology The researches, reports and literatures that have been pre-reviewed in section two are among the primary sources of the informations that are to be found in this paper.Aside form this; the said researches would also be the primary basis of the methodology that shall be utilized by the researcher to validate the facts that have been presented earlier. As for this matt er, the researcher opts to choose survey analysis as an effective source of information on actual evaluation of students that could support both the psychological and anthropological studies that pertain to problem being tackled. 3. 1 Instrumentation and design The questionnaire prepared by the researcher is composed of 50 items that are subdivided into three subsections.The first section which would be 15 items, pertain to the family background of the students. This section shall help the researcher measure the discipline that the students receive from their parents and how that particular discipline impacted their lives in school as they grew older until reaching secondary school level. The second section is composed of 30 questions that are focused upon the social connection of the students with their peers, their teachers and other elemental factors in the society that may affect their behaviors towards their studies and their dealings in school.The third part is composed of fiv e personal questions that asks the students how they view discipline and how they would react to certain situations in school. This section would require the students to answer in paragraphs; while the other sections are multiple choices between (first section) frequently, seldom, never and the choices yes and no for the second part. 3. 2 Respondents The questionnaires are to ask for the gender of the respondents to be able to separate the results. The respondents are expected to be in their secondary school levels and the choosing of the said respondents is random.Whereas, the result would be a collection of opinions from students who are studying in different schools, making the study more factual and general in terms of population sampling. 2. 3 Gathering and Presenting Results To present the data collected through the survey, the results of are to be divided according to the gender of the respondents. The results are then to be calculated and evaluated through averaging method a nd shall be presented in tables and charts as well as diagrams followed by the explanations and analysis of the figures presented.Through this presentation, the researcher would be able to validate the results in a more effective manner for the completion of this proposed study. 2. 4 Expected Results It is expected that through the implementation and commencement of this study, a deeper understanding of the situation within secondary school level learning, would be derived. By being able to do so, it is also expected that the implementation of the suggested solution to the problems discussed through the context of this study be further applied in educational institutions.Section 4: Conclusion To be able to end the presentation of the problem being discussed in this paper, the researcher plans to present a five-point based summary that would help the readers understand the study deeply after reading the whole context of the research. From the said summarization of the whole idea that the paper deals with, the researcher further plans to give suggestions by which the school administrators could help motivate their students into becoming better individuals who are disciplined to reach their dreams towards the future.Through this study, the researcher further aims to establish a strong conclusion that validates the claim of psychological and anthropological studies that pertain to the reason behind the behavioral disorientation among students at their secondary level of learning. By doing so, the researcher plans to make the readers realize that the importance of discipline in keeping up with the changes of the society is indeed essentially factual for the students who are still attending secondary school as this will set the grounds for them, enabling them of reaching their dreams towards a brighter future for the said young learners.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Women Lives during World War I Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women Lives during World War I Era - Essay Example As mentioned above, women could vote after the realization of the 1920s’ 19th Amendment giving them the right to vote after a long struggle, protests, and movements directed to this right. There was a gap formed between the modern women in the 1920s versus the previous generation. There were strong stereotypes prior to that amendment that emphasized that women could not multitask on both their families and careers, which was reversed in this era. There was evidence of reduced investment in the entire social services compared to the progressive generations. This tune of the capitalistic spirited era saw the woman eager to find and compete with her personal fulfillment.Among other changes in the 1920s, women WWI allowed females to indulge themselves in temporarily in industries such as those processing automobiles, chemical, steel or iron manufacturing that some time back were deemed inappropriate for them. The race was also on the verge of being concerned in work premises where black women had started to find employment slots in industries, temporarily, during the First World War although on low wages although time saw them put back labor force consisting of agriculture, laundry works, and domestic servant at 75% in the 1920s.The suffrage achievements led the feminists to refocus their efforts to new goals where groups such as the NWP, National Women’s Party, carried on the political struggle with proposals such as the Equal Rights Amendment of 1923.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Phase 3 Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phase 3 Discussion Board - Essay Example These Techniques take into context both the least amount of time required and the most of time that could be required and also the costs or delays that the organization might incur. Theses techniques help the people who are taking care of the entire process in estimations of both the time and cost of the entire project. The Project that has been undertaken by the management to implement a general email system, with all the employees, the existing and the new ones, receiving new email address and an entire integrated model, This kind of change is known as a technical change and needs to be done in a timely manner as technology changes fast, if there are delays in such a change there can be heavy financial costs. Technology changes rapidly, therefore to bring a technological change you have to fast and cost effective. Whenever we start a project we have to keep in mind the scope definition this definition explains the scope of the project and gives us an analysis of what needs to be done. for example to implement an integrated email system you need to know all the new and old employees’ email addresses their designation, the kind of technology both hardware and software being used and other specific details, then you break this into small tasks such as the number of personal computers needed to be purchased, no, of new emails needed to be made etc. This is basically known as WBS that is work breakdown structure. This is basically breaking down of the entire project into small jobs and tasks and assigning individuals onto each of these tasks. it is also done by defining a scope statement. WBS, basically uses the 80 hour rule which basically means that all tasks that are scheduled and have been assigned by the management need to be done within 80 hours for example if new emails for the new e mail system need to be made it should be done within 80 hours, if the task is taking longer than that then it is not been done properly or there is a gap

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Issues- Global Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Issues- Global Revolution - Essay Example Most employees these days prefer to hire children to adults. I hope u know I got married. My dear Sarah works at the nearby postal office. However, at the moment, she is not at work since the postal workers are on strike demanding for increased wages. The working conditions in the factory where I work are not very human. There is a lot of smoke and we are not provided with any protective gear from the heavy machines. I must confess to you that I rarely have any spare time I can call leisure. I work in the factory for over twelve hours a day and cycles for one hour to reach my abode. The government seems to have totally forgotten about us and its focus is on annexing foreign territories across the oceans. Surely Maxwell, I find no reason why I should be staying in pathetic living conditions just because the government has no clear policies on settlement. The lighting is very poor and I am not even assured of my security. Let me not talk about many ills here lest you accuse me of a misconceived mindset. I nevertheless believe that England is a great country. At least we can boast about the good roads that are coming up and the railway industry that seems to boom. Most people can also find work despite the low

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Patience is a virtue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Patience is a virtue - Essay Example In some cases, people might think that such people are a burden to the rest of the group. However, when given time to cope and learn, they become an integral part of the group. As a result, the statement can be applied in this case to enlighten the other members that it’s important to be patient in order to accommodate others. Many people are quick to make conclusions (MacIntyre 2013). As a result, they miss the main point which and are likely to make mistakes. However, if they took more time to meditate and listen to others, they could have been able to make the right decision. The statements can be used to inform such people on the need to uphold patience in order to avoid such incidences. Many of the organizations fail to achieve their objectives because the managers want to make quick profits. However, an organization needs to familiarize itself with the customers. This takes time and resources. These statements can be applied in this to inform the managers on the need to be patient in order to achieve long-term

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Risk management - Essay Example Student lifestyle is a contributing factor in relation to hazards like smoke inhalation, burning. The fire fighting and rescue team also needs to have a contact with paramedical team to tackle this situation which requires quick action and thinking on their feet. The Fire & Rescue Service Act, 2004 has been developed keeping in mind the potential hazards that may occur in places like student accommodations and also other fire and hazard sensitive places. An integrated risk management plan if prepared at an early stage can help the fire and rescue team to prepare themselves better to tackle any fire related situation. Risk Management and potential hazards are common situation through out the world. Due to present day modernisation and changing lifestyle people are becoming more prone to hazards like fire, smoke inhalation, burns, and cuts in almost all the places including students’ accommodations. The safety and security of people at the distressed situation becomes an extremely difficult task for fire and rescue team. To tackle this scenario they have to be preparing themselves to tackle any kind of situation and also to save precious lives as much as they can. Potential hazards which can cause harm to people and to their belongings can be both caused by nature like earthquakes, floods, storms, forest fires, flash floods and also from non-natural sources like fire, electric related hazards like shock, falling of tiles from the roof, cuts, and accidents. The risks involved in all this hazards are different in nature so to tackle them there has to be contingency plan for each situation. Th e fire and service team maintains a philosophy in managing risks like they give importance to saving lives the most. Then they look to save property which can be saved after any hazard like scenario, they generally don’t risk their lives while saving the properties

Monday, September 23, 2019

Performance Measures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Measures - Assignment Example of this document is to outline the measurement of the performance as post-implementation metrics of the recommendation, namely: â€Å"Change Organizational Approach to Event Monitoring and Log Analysis† (‘Verizon Report’, 2010). The scope of this document includes role and responsibility of key people in an organization, background of the measure, legislative and strategic drivers, measure development process and its implementation. According to Verizon Report 2010, maximum information security breaches in 2009 showed that in most of the breaches the data is compromised after lapse of several days of the breach. It takes effort and time until these breaches are found. Significantly, people other than the victim makes such discovery. The victim upon information reacts immediately and uses the most important defense that is ID/IPS. However, this measure in most cases intensifies the situation rather controlling it. Furthermore, it is not the only defense that organizations have to curb this problem and relying upon it as a last resort does not solve the problem and eliminate it completely (Solms, 2000). The CIO is responsible to change the approach to tackle breach instance at the organization. CIO should ensure that as a post-attack instance, ID/IPS should not be used instantly and as the only measure to control the situation. Instead, batch processing and log analysis should be undertaken with keen interest to identify any stack of viruses or breaches. The focus should be on ‘mass’ breaches rather ‘individual’. Therefore, proper policy and implementation guidelines have to be circulated to all users in the organization regarding the measures to be taken in case breach takes place and is discovered. Additionally, the CIO has to prioritize and select performance measures and develop the targets for their achievement (‘NIST’, 2008). The role of Senior Information Security Officer is to ensure that the program manager uses the changed approach to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Labor Laws Essay Example for Free

Labor Laws Essay Short title, extent, commencement Definitions CHAPTER II Apprentices and their Training 3. Qualifications for being engaged as an apprentice 3-A. Reservation of training places for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in designated trades. 4. Contract of apprenticeship 5. Novation of contract of apprenticeship 6. Period of apprenticeship training 7. Termination of apprenticeship contract 8. Number of apprentices for a designated trade 9. Practical and basic training of apprentices 10. Related instruction of apprentices 11. Obligations of employers 1. The Act came into force on March 1, 1962 vide GSR 246, dated Feb. 12,1962 2. Published in Gazette of India, Pt. II, S. 1, dated December 30,1964. 3. Published in Gazette of India, Pt. II, S. 1, dated May 24, 1968 and came into force on August 15,1968. 4. Act 27 of 1973 came into force w. e. f. December 1, 1974 vide GSR 1293, dated November 1974 5. Act 41 of 1986 came into force w. e. f. December 16,1987 vide GSR 974(E), dated December 10, 1987 6. Act 4 of 1997 came into force w. e. f. January 8, 1997. 12. Obligations of apprentices 13. Payment to apprentices 14. Health, safety and welfare of apprentices. 15. Hours of work, overtime, leave and holidays 16. Employers liability for compensation for injury 17. Conduct and discipline 18. Apprentices are trainees and not workers 19. Records and returns 20. Settlement of disputes 21. Holding of test and grant of certificate and conclusion of training 22. Offer and acceptance of employment CHAPTER III AUTHORITIES 23. Authorities 24. Constitution of Councils 25. Vacancies not to invalidate acts and proceedings 26. Apprenticeship Advisers 27. Deputy and Assistant Apprenticeship 28. Apprenticeship Advisers to be public servants 29. Powers of entry, inspection, etc. 30. Offences and penalties 31. Penalty where not specific penalty is provided 32. Offences by companies 33. Cognizance of offences 34. Delegation of powers 35. Construction of references 36. Protection of action taken in good faith 37. Power to make rule 38 (Repealed) THE SCHEDULE An Act to provide for the regulation and control of training of apprentices and for 7 [* * *] matters connected therewith. Be it enacted by Parliament in the Twelfth Year of the Republic of India as follows: Prefatory Note – The Act was introduced in the form of a bill on August 19,1961. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gazette of India, Extra. , Part II, Section 2, dated August 19,1961. ________________________________________ 7. Omitted by Act 27 of 1973. CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent, commencement and application – (1) (2) (3) (4) 2. This Act may be called the Apprentices Act, 1961. It extends to the whole of India. [* * *]8 It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different States. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to – (a) any area or to any industry in any area unless the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette specifies that area or industry as an area or industry to which the said provisions shall apply with effect from such date as may be mentioned in the notification: 9 (b) [ * * *] 10 (c) [any such special apprenticeship scheme for imparting training to apprentices as any be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette]. Definition In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,11 [(a) All  India Council means the All India Council of Technical Education established by the resolution of the Government of India in the former Ministry of Education No. F. 16-10/44-E-III, dated the 30th November, 1945;)] 12 [(aa)]apprentice means a person who is undergoing apprenticeship training 13[* * *] in pursuance of a contract of apprenticeship; ____________________________________________ 8. Omitted by Act 25 of 1968. 9. Omitted by Act 27 of 1973. 10. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 11. The original clause (a) renumbered as clause (aa) and a clause (a) inserted by Act 27 of 1973. 12. The original clause (a) renumbered as clause (aa) and a clause (a) inserted by Act 27 of 1973. 13. Omitted by Act 27 of 1973 14 [(aaa)apprenticeship training means a course of training in any industry or establishment undergone in pursuance of a contract of apprenticeship and under prescribed terms and conditions which may be different for different categories of apprentices;] (b) Apprenticeship Adviser† means the Central Apprenticeship Adviser appointed under sub-section (1) of Section 26 or the State. Apprenticeship Adviser appointed under sub-section (2) of that section; (c) Apprenticeship Council means the Central Apprenticeship Council or the State Apprenticeship Council established under sub-section (1) of Section 24; (d) appropriate Government means (1) in relation to (a) the Central Apprenticeship Council, or 15 [(aa) the Regional Boards, or (aaa) the practical training of graduate or technician apprentices or of technician (vocational) apprentices, or;] (b) any establishment of any railway, major port, mine or oilfield, or (c)  any establishment owned, controlled or managed by (i). The Central Government or a department of Central Government, (ii) a company in which not less than fifty-one per cent of the share capital is held by the Central Government on partly by that Government and partly by one or more State Governments, (iii) a corporation (including a co-operative society) established by or under a Central Act which is owned, controlled or managed by the Central Government; (2) in relation to (a) a State Apprenticeship Council, or (b) any establishment other than an establishment specified in  sub-clause (1) of this clause, the State Government; 16 [(dd). Board or State Council of Technical Education means the Board or State Council of Technical Education established by the State Government;] (e) designated trade 17[means any trade or occupation or any subject field in engineering or technology [or any vocational course]18 which the Central Government, after consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify as a designated trade for the purposes of this Act; __________________________________________ 14. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 15. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973 and subs. by Act 41 of 1986, S. 2(w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 16. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 17. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 18. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986, S. 2 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987). (f) (g) (h) (i) 20 [(j) (k) (l) employer means any person who employs one or more other persons to do any work in an establishment for remuneration and includes any person entrusted with the supervision and control of employees in such establishment; establishment includes any place where any industry is carried on; 19[and where an establishment consists of different departments or have branches, whether situated in the same place or at different places, all such departments or branches shall be treated as part of the establishments]; â€Å"establishment in private sector† means an establishment which is not an establishment in public sector; establishment in private sector means an establishment which is not led or managed by (1) the Government or a department of the Government; (2) A Government company as defined in Section 617 of the  Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956); (3) a corporation (including a co-operative society) established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act, which is owned, controlled or managed by the Government; (4) a local authority; graduate or technician apprentice means an apprentice who holds, or is undergoing training in order that he may hold a degree or diploma in engineering or technology or equivalent qualification granted by any institution recognised by the Government and undergoes apprenticeship training in any such subject field in engineering or technology as may be prescribed; industry means any industry or business in which any trade, occupation or subject field in engineering or technology [or any vocational course]21 may be specified as a designated trade;] National Council means the National Council for Training in Vocational Trades established by the resolution of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour (Directorate General of Resettlement and Employment ) No. TR/E. P. 24/56, dated the 21st August 1956 22[ and re-named as the National Council for Vocational Training by the resolution of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour (Directorate  General of Employment and Training) No. DGET/12/21/80-TC, dated the 30th September, 1981;] _________________________________________ 19. Ins. by Act 4 of 1997 20. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 21. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986, S. 2 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 22. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986, S. 2 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) (m) 23 prescribed means prescribed by the rules made under this Act; [(mm)Regional Board means any board of Apprenticeship Training registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), at Bombay, Calcutta, Madras or Kanpur;] (n) State includes a Union Territory; (o) State Council means a State Council for Training in Vocational Trades established by the State Government; (p) State Government in relation to a Union Territory, means the Administrator thereof; 24 [(pp) Technician (vocational) apprentice means an apprentice who holds or is undergoing training in order that he may hold a certificate in vocational course involving two years of study after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognised by the All-India Council and undergoes apprenticeship training in such subject field in any vocational course as may be prescribed; ] 25 [(q) trade apprentice means an apprentice who undergoes apprenticeship training in any such trade or occupation as may be prescribed;] 26 [(r) â€Å"worker† means any persons who is employed for wages in any kind of work and who gets his wages directly from the employer but shall not include an apprentice referred to in clause(aa). ] ________________________________________ 23. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 24. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986, S. 2 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 25. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 26. Ins. by Act 4 of 1997. CHAPTER II APPRENTICES AND THEIR TRAINING 3. Qualifications for being engaged as an apprentice A person shall not be qualified for being engaged as an apprentice to undergo apprenticeship training in any designated trade, unless he(a) is not less than fourteen years of age, and (b) satisfies such standards of education and physical fitness as may be prescribed: Provided that different standards may be prescribed in relation to apprenticeship training in different designated trades 27[and for different categories of apprentices]. 28 [3-A. Reservation of training places for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in designated trades – (1). (2) in every designated trade, training places shall be reserved by the employer for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 29[ and where there is more than one designated trade in an establishment, such training places shall be reserved also on the basis of the total number of apprentices in all the designated trades in such establishment ]. the number of training places to be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes under sub-section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed, having regard to the population of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the State concerned. Explanation- In this section, the expressions Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall have the meanings as in clauses (24) and (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution]. 30 [4. Contract of apprenticeship (1) No person shall be engaged as an apprentice to undergo apprenticeship training in a designated trade unless such person or, if he is minor, his guardian has entered into a contract of apprenticeship with the employer. (2) The apprenticeship training shall be deemed to have commenced on the date on which the contract of apprenticeship has been entered into under sub-section (1). _________________________________________ 27. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 28. Ins. by Act 27 0f 1973. 29. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 30. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. (3) Every contract of apprenticeship may contain such terms and conditions as may be agreed to by the parties to the contract: Provided that no such term or condition shall be inconsistent with any provision of this Act or any rule made thereunder. (4) (5) (6) 5. Every contract of apprenticeship entered into under sub-section (1) shall be sent by the employer within such period as may be prescribed to the Apprenticeship Adviser for registration. The Apprenticeship Adviser shall not register a contract of apprenticeship unless he is satisfied that the person described as an apprentice in the contract is qualified under this Act for being engaged as an apprentice to  undergo apprenticeship training in the designated trade specified in the contract. Where the Central Government, after consulting the Central Apprenticeship Council, makes any rule varying the terms and conditions of apprenticeship training of any category of apprentices undergoing such training, then, the terms and conditions of every contract of apprenticeship relating to that category of apprentices and subsisting immediately before the making of such rule shall be deemed to have been modified accordingly. ] Novation of contracts of apprenticeship Where an employer with whom a contract of apprenticeship has been entered into, is for any reason unable to fulfil his obligations under the contract and with the approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser it is agreed between the employer, the apprentice or his guardian and any other employer that the apprentice shall be engaged as apprentice under the other employer for the un-expired portion of the period of apprenticeship training, the agreement, on registration with the Apprenticeship. Adviser, shall be deemed to be the contract of apprenticeship between the apprentice or his guardian and other employer, and on and from the date of such registration, the contract of apprenticeship with the first employer shall terminate and no obligation under the contract shall be enforceable at the instance of any party to the contract against the other party thereto. 6. Period of apprenticeship training The period of apprenticeship training, which shall be specified in the contract of apprenticeship, shall be as follows(a) In the case of 31[trade apprentices] who, having undergone institutional training in a school or other institution recognised by the National Council, have passed the trade tests 32[or examinations] conducted by 33 [that Council or by an institution recognised by that Council], the period of apprenticeship training shall be such as may be determined by that Council; _______________________________________ 31. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 32. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 33. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 34. [(aa) in case of trade apprentices who, having undergone institutional training in a school or other institution affiliated to or recognised by a Board or State Council of Technical Education or any other authority which the Central Government may, by notification in the official gazette specify in this behalf, have passed the trade tests 35[ or examinations] conducted by that Board or State Council or authority, the period of apprenticeship training shall be such as may be prescribed;] (b) in the case of other 36[trade apprentices], the period of apprenticeship training shall be such as may be prescribed; 37 [(c) in the case of graduate or technician apprentices, [technician (vocational) apprentices]38 and the period of apprenticeship training shall be such as may be prescribed. ] 7. Termination of apprenticeship contract (1) The contract of apprenticeship shall terminate on the expiry of the period of apprenticeship training. (2) Either party to a contract of apprenticeship may make an application to the Apprenticeship Adviser for the termination of the contract, and when such application is made, shall send by post a copy thereto to the other party to the contract. (3) After considering the contents of the application and the objections, if any, filed by the other party, the Apprenticeship Adviser may, by order in writing, terminate the contract, if he is satisfied that the parties to the contract or any of them have or has failed to carry out the terms and conditions of the contract and it is desirable in the interests of the parties or any of them to terminate the same: 39. [(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, where a contract of apprenticeship has been terminated by the Apprenticeship Adviser before the expiry of the period of apprenticeship training and a new contract of apprenticeship is being entered into with a employer, the Apprenticeship Adviser may, if he satisfied that the contract of apprenticeship with the previous employer could not be completed because of any lapse on the part of the previous employer, permit the period of apprenticeship training already undergone by the apprentice with his previous employer to be included in the period of apprenticeship training to be undertaken with the new employer. ] ____________________________________________ 34. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 35. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 36. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 37. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 38. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986. 39. Ins. by Act 4 of 1997. (a) (b) 8. Provided that where a contract is terminatedfor failure on the part of the employer to carry out the terms and conditions of the contract, the employer shall pay to the apprentice such compensation as may prescribed; for such failure on the part of the apprentice, the apprentice or his guardian shall refund to the employer as cost of training such amount as may be determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser. Number of apprentices for a designated trade 40 [(1) the Central Government shall, after consulting the Central Apprenticeship Council, by order notified in the Official Gazette, determine for each designated trade the ratio or trade apprentices to workers other than unskilled workers in that trade: Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall be deemed to prevent any employer from engaging a number of trade apprentices in excess of the ratio determined under this sub-section. (2) 3) in determining the ratio under sub-section (1), the Central Government shall have regard to the facilities available for apprenticeship training under this Act in the designated trade concerned as well as to the facilities that may have to be made available by an employer for the training of graduate or technician apprentices [technician (vocational) apprentices]41, if any, in pursuance of any notice issued to him under sub-section (3-A) by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser or such other person as is referred to in that sub-section. the Apprenticeship Adviser may, by notice in writing, require an employer to engage such number of trade apprentices within the ratio determined by the Central Government for any designated trade in his establishment, to undergo apprenticeship training in that trade and the employer shall comply with such requisition: Provided, that in making any requisition under this sub-section, the Apprenticeship Adviser shall have regard to the facilities actually available in the establishment concerned. _______________________________________________________ 40. 41. Sub-Sections (1), (2), (3) and (3-A), subs. by Act 27 of 1973 Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987). 42 [Provided further that the Apprenticeship Adviser may, on  a representation made to him by an employer and keeping in view the more realistic employment potential, training facilities and other relevant factors, permit him to engage such a number of apprentices for a designated trade as is lesser than a number arrived at by the ratio for that trade, not being lesser than twenty per cent of the number so arrived at, subject to the condition that the employer shall engage apprentices in other trades in excess in number equivalent to such shortfall. ] (3-A) the Central Apprenticeship Adviser or any other person not below the rank of an Assistant Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf shall, having regard to(i) the number of managerial persons (including technical and supervisory persons) employed in a designated trade; (ii) the number of management trainees engaged in the establishment; (iii) The totality of the training facilities available in a designated trade; and (iv)  such other factors as he may consider fit in the circumstances of the case, by notice in writing, require an employer to impart training to such number of graduate or technician apprentices [technician (vocational) apprentices]43, in such trade in his establishment as may be specified in such notice and the employer shall comply with such requisition. Explanation – In this sub-section the expression â€Å"management trainee† means a person who is engaged by an employer for undergoing a course of training in the establishment of the employer ( not being apprenticeship training under this Act) subject to the condition that on successful completion of such training, such person shall be employed by the employer on a regular basis. ] (4) Several employers may join together for the purpose of providing practical training to the apprentices under them by moving them between their respective establishments. (5) Where, having regard to the public interest, a number of apprentices in excess of the ratio determined by the Central Government 44[ or in excess of the number specified in a notice issued under sub-section (3-A)] should, in the opinion of the appropriate Government be trained, the appropriate Government may require employers to train the additional number of apprentices. (6) Every employer to whom such requisition as aforesaid is made, shall comply with the requisition if the Government concerned makes available such additional facilities and such additional financial assistance as are considered necessary by the Apprenticeship Adviser for the training of the additional number of apprentices. __________________________________________ 42. Ins. by Act 4 of 1997. 43. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 44. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. (7) 9. Any employer not satisfied with the decision of the Apprenticeship Adviser under sub-section (6), may make a reference to the Central Apprenticeship Council and such reference shall be decided by a Committee thereof appointed by that Council for the purpose and the decision of that Committee shall be final. Practical and basic training of apprentices(1) Every employer shall make suitable arrangements in his workshop for imparting a course of practical training to every apprentice engaged by him in accordance with the programme approved by the Apprenticeship Adviser. 45. [(2) The Central Apprenticeship Adviser or any other person not below the rank of an Assistant Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the State Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf] shall be given all reasonable facilities for access to each such apprentice with a view to test his work and to ensure that the practical training is being imparted in accordance with the approved programme: Provided that 46[the State Apprenticeship Adviser or any other person not below the rank of an Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the State Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf] shall also be given such facilities in respect of apprentices undergoing training in establishments in relation to which the appropriate Government is the State Government. 47. [(3) Such of the trade apprentices as have got undergone institutional training in a school or other institution recognised by the National Council or any other institution affiliated to or recognised by a Board or State Council of Technical Education or any other authority which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, shall, before admission in the workshop for practical training, undergo a course of basic training. ] (3) Where an employer employs in his establishment five hundred or more workers, the basic training shall be imparted to 48[the trade apprentices] either in separate parts of the workshop building or in a separate building which shall be set up by the employer himself, but the appropriate Government may grant loans to the employer on easy terms and repayable by easy installments to meet the cost of the land, construction and equipment for such separate building. __________________________________________ 45. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 46. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 47. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 48. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 49. [(4-A)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (4), if the number of apprentices to be trained at any time in any establishment in which five hundred or more workers are employed, is less than twelve the employer in relation to such establishment may depute all or any of such apprentices to any Basic Training Centre or Industrial Training Institute for basic training in any designated trade, in either case, run by the Government. (4-B). Where an employer deputes any apprentice under sub-section (4-A), such employer shall pay to the Government the expenses incurred by the Government on such training, at such rate as may be specified by the Central Government . ] (5) Where an employer employs in his establishment less than five hundred workers, the basic training shall be imparted to 50[the trade apprentices] in training institutes set by the Government. (6). In any such training institute, which shall be located within the premises of the most suitable establishment in the locality or at any other convenient place 51[ the trade apprentices]engaged by two or more employers may be imparted basic training. 52 (7) [In case of an apprentice other than a graduate or technician apprentice, [technician (vocational) apprentice]53 the syllabus of], and the equipment to be utilised for, practical training including basic training shall be such as may be approved by the Central Government in consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council. 54 (7-A) In case of graduate or technician apprentices [technician (vocational) apprentices]55 the programme of apprenticeship training and the  facilities required for such training in any subject field in engineering or technology [or vocational course]56 shall be such as may be approved by the Central Government in consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council. ] (8) (a) Recurring costs (including the cost of stipends) incurred by an employer in connection with 57[basic training]. 58, imparted to trade apprentices other than those referred to in clauses (a) and (aa) ] of Section 6 shall be borne(i) If such employer employs 59[two hundred and fifty] workers or more, by the employer; (ii) If such employer employs less than 60[two hundred and fifty] workers, by the employer and the Government in equal shares up to such limit as may be laid down by the Central Government and beyond that limit, by the employer alone; and _______________________________________ 49. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 50. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 51. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 52. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 53. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987). 54. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 55. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 56. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 ( w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 57. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 58. Subs. by Act 4 of 1997. 59. Subs. by Act 4 of 1997. 60. Subs. by Act 4 of 1997. (b) recurring costs (including the cost of stipends), if any, incurred by an employer in connection with 61[practical training, including basic training, imparted to trade apprentices referred to in clauses (a) and (aa)] of Section 6 shall, in every case, be borne by the employer. 62. [(c) recurring costs (excluding the cost of stipends) incurred by an employer in connection with the practical training imparted to graduate or technician apprentices [technician (vocational) apprentices]63 shall be borne by the employer and the cost of stipends shall be borne by the Central Government and the employer in equal shares up to such limit as may be laid down by the Central Government and beyond that limit, by the employer alone. ] 10. Related instruction of apprentices(1) 64 [A trade apprentice] who is undergoing practical training in an establishment shall, during the period of practical training, be given a course of related instruction ( which shall be appropriate to the trade) approved by the Central Government in consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council, with a view to giving 65[the trade apprentice] such theoretical knowledge as he needs in order to become fully qualified as a skilled craftsman. (2) Related instruction shall be imparted at the cost of the appropriate Government but the employer shall, when so required, afford all facilities for imparting such instruction. (3) Any time spend by 66[a trade apprentice] in attending classes on related instruction shall be treated as part of his paid period of work. 67 [(4). In case of trade apprentices who, after having undergone a course of institutional training, have passed the trade tests conducted by the National Council or have passed the trade tests and examinations conducted by a Board or State Council of Technical Education or any other authority which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, the related instruction may be given on such reduced or modified scale as may be prescribed. (5). Where any person has, during his course in technical institution, become a graduate or technician apprentice, 68[technician (vocational) apprentice] and during his apprenticeship training he has to receive related instruction, then, the employer shall release such person from practical training to receive the related instruction in such institution, for such period as may be specified by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser or by any other person not below the rank of an Assistant Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf. ] _________________________________________ 61. Sub. by Act 27 of 1973. 62. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 63. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 ( w. e. f. 16-12-1987) 64. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 65. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 66. Subs. by Act 27 of 1973. 67. Ins. by Act 27 of 1973. 68. Ins. by Act 41 of 1986 (w. e. f. 16-12-1987). 11. Obligation of employers Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act, every employer shall have the following obligations in relation to an apprentice, namely(a) to provide the apprentice with the training in his trade in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and the rules made thereunder; (b)  if the employer is not himself qualified in the trade, to ensure that a person 69[who possesses the prescribed qualifications] is placed in charge of the training of the apprentice; [ * * *]70 71 [(bb) to provide adequate instructional staff, possessing such qualifications as may be prescribed, for imparting practical and theoretical training and facilities for trade test of apprentices; and ] (c) to carry out his obligations under the contract of apprenticeship. 12. Obligations of apprentices72 74 [(1) 73 [Every trade apprentice] undergoing apprenticeship training shall have the following obligations, namely:(a) to learn his trade conscientiously and diligently and endeavour to qualify himself as a skilled craftsman before the expiry of the period of training; (b)  to attend practical and instructional classes regularly; (c) to carry out all lawful orders of his employer and superiors in the establishments; and (d) to carry out his obligations under the contract of apprenticeship. [(2) Every graduate or technician apprentice [technician (vocational) apprentice]75 undergoing apprenticeship training shall have the following obligations namely:(a) to learn his subject field in engineering or technology [or vocational course]76 conscientiously and diligently at his place of training; (b) to attend the practical and instructional classes regularly; (c) to carry out all lawful orders of his employers and superiors in the establis.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Anorexia VS. Bulimia Essay Example for Free

Anorexia VS. Bulimia Essay The amount of pressure for an adolescence to be skinny these days, is outrageous. Most eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia, are onset between mid to late adolescence. 0. 5 percent of womben suffer from anorexia, and one to three percent from bulimia. These are both serious psychiatric disorders that are mistaken for one another all the time. Admittedly, they do have many similarities, but very distinct differences. Anorexia and bulimia show many similar symptoms, which is one reason they get mistaken so often. Some of the symptoms are weakness and dizziness, tooth decay, obsession over food, constipation, irregular heartbeat, and swelling of the hands, feet, arms, and legs. One of the most distinct differences is that bulimia is categorized as a complex emotional issue, while anorexia is a combination of biological, psychiatric, and environmental issues. Although both are worried about their weight, they approach food situations very differently. Physical signs of bulimia are harder to recognize, unless on a very personal level. Usually, there are no obvious signs of weight loss. This is because during an average eating binge, one may consume from three thousand to five thousand calories in an hour. Afterwards one feels a great since of guilt, making the decision to purge to make themselves feel better. What one doesn’t realize is, vomiting after a meal will only eliminate fifty percent of the calories ingested. Resulting in that person staying at a normal weight. However, the physical signs of anorexia are much more obvious. This is a disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat. They will pretend to eat or lie about how much food they’ve actually ate. They will attempt to maintain a weight that is far below normal, starve themselves and exercise excessively. The thoughts of dieting, food, and their body take up most of their day. Resulting in rapid weight loss. For a person that suffers with bulimia overeating is more like a compulsion. A person begins to feel increasingly out of control. Although they may try, it is difficult to regain control without help. Anorexia, on the other hand, makes a person feel in control, over atleast one aspect in their life. When a person suffers with anorexia they may lose the ability to see their true self. This means that, no matter how skinny a person gets, it’s never enough to them. They developed strange or secretive food rituials and become very fixated with their body image, to the point that it causes major health risks. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Barriers To Communication

Barriers To Communication For any kind of communication to be successful, it is essential that the receiver attributes the same meaning to the message as intended by the sender of the message. But all acts of communication are not perfect or successful. At times, some meaning is lost as the message encounters various barriers along its passage between the sender and the receiver. Such barriers may arise at any of the stages through which a message passes during the process of communication. This is also called miscommunication. Some of the common problems that lead to the failure of communication are: noise, cultural differences, complexity of subject matter, personal biases, semantic problems, socio-psychological barriers, filtering, information overload, poor retention, poor listening, goal conflicts, slanting, inferring, etc. Barriers to communication can be classified as follows on the basis of the stage of the communication process during which the problem/s arise: a. Sender-oriented barriers: lack of planning, lack of clarity about the purpose of communication, improper choice of words resulting in a badly encoded message, difference in perception, wrong choice of the channel, unjustified presumptions, etc. b. Receiver-oriented barriers: poor listening, lack of interest, difference in perception, biased attitude, etc. c. Channel-oriented barriers: noise, wrong selection of medium, technical defects in the address system or the medium of communication chosen by the sender, time and distance, etc. We may define communication as a psycho-semantic process. Therefore, the barriers that affect the effectiveness of communication are mostly of social-psychological-linguistic nature. These factors may act upon any or all of the elements of the process of communication, that is, the sender or the receiver or the channel. And a common barrier for both the sender and receiver can be the absence of a common frame of reference which often leads to the breakdown of communication in a specific situation. A common frame of reference is the context in which communication takes place. A well-defined context helps the sender and the receiver to comprehend the content of the message in a similar way, with regard to its implications and meaning. Many of the barriers listed above are easy to understand. But a few of them may require a detailed explanation. DIFFERENT TYPES OF BARRIERS The various barriers to communication can be classified into the following broad categories: 1) Semantic or language barriers, 2) Physical barriers, 3) Personal barriers, 4) Emotional or perceptional barriers, 5) Socio-psychological barriers, 6) Cultural barriers, and 7) Organizational barriers. SEMANTIC/LANGUAGE BARRIERS Semantics is the systematic study of the meaning of words. Thus, the semantic barriers are barriers related to language. Such barriers are problems that arise during the process of encoding and/or decoding the message into words and ideas respectively. Both the oral and the written communication are based on words/symbols which are ambiguous in nature. Words/ symbols may be used in several ways and may have several meanings. Unless the receiver knows the context, he may interpret the word/symbol according to his own level of understanding and may thus misinterpret the message. The most common semantic barriers are listed as under: Misinterpretation of Words Semantic problems often arise because of the gap between the meaning as intended by the sender and that as understood by the receiver. This happens when the receiver does not assign the same meaning to the word/symbol as the transmitter had intended. Words are capable of expressing a variety of meanings depending upon their usage, i.e. in the context in which they are used. The association between the word/symbol and the meaning assigned to it is of arbitrary nature. For example, the word yellow when used as an adjective can have multiple connotations depending upon its usage. Words have two levels of meaning- literal (descriptive) and metaphorical (qualitative). Yellow, besides being a primary colour, also stands for freshness, beauty, sickness, decay, etc. Hence, the receiver is free to interpret it in any of these ways based on his own imagination and experience. But for communication to be perfect, it is essential that he must assign to it the same mean ing which the sender had in his mind while encoding the message. Therefore, there is always a possibility of misinterpretation of the messages. Mostly, such problems arise when the sender does not use simple and clear words that can convey the exact meaning to the receiver. Use of Technical Language Technical or specialized language which is used by people or professionals who work in the same field is known as jargon. Such technical language can be a barrier to communication if the receiver of the message is not familiar with it. For example, in the computer jargon, to burn a CD means to copy the data on a CD. To a layman, the word burn may have a very different connotation. Ambiguity Ambiguity arises when the sender and the receiver of the message attribute different meanings to the same words or use different words to convey the same meaning. Sometimes, wrong and speculative assumptions also lead to ambiguity. A sender often assumes that his audience would perceive the situation as he does or have the same opinion about an issue or understand the message as he understands it, and so on. All such assumptions may turn out to be wrong and cause communication failure. PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS Physical barriers are those barriers which are caused due to some technical defects in the media used for communication and/or due to certain disturbances in the surrounding environment. Often, the term noise is used as a blanket term to refer to the physical barriers in general. But noise, in its literal sense, is also one of the factors that give rise to the physical barriers during the process communication. Besides noise, wrong selection of medium, lack of acoustics, poor lighting, frequent movements of hands, fiddling with a pen, or even serving of tea during an important conversation- all of these are also responsible for creating physical barriers in the communication process. Noise The first major barrier to communication is noise. Communication is distorted by noise that crops up at the transmission level. The meaning attributed to the word noise in the field of Communication is derived from the realm of Physics. In Physics, noise refers to a disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, which obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal. The modern-day connotation of the word noise is irrelevant or meaningless data as is apparent from its usage in the field of Computer Science. For example, the noise of the traffic around a school obstructs the smooth flow of information between the teacher and the students. It makes oral communication difficult. Similarly, poor signal or static while talking over the cell phone or while using the public address system or while watching TV also distorts the sound signals and disrupts communication. Bad weather conditions may also sometimes interfere with the transmission of signals and may lead to breakdow n of the communication channels. As discussed above, noise is not only the disruption of sound signals, but it also includes all the barriers that may arise at any of the various stages of communication. In a broad sense, it denotes semantic barriers, perceptional barriers as well as psychological barriers. Time and Distance Time and distance also act as barriers to the smooth flow of information. Today, because of technological advancements, we have faster means of communication available to us and this in turn has made the world a smaller place. But at times, these means of communication may not be easily accessible because of unavailability or due to technical/technological problems. This may lead not only to a physical but also a communication gap between the transmitter and the receiver. Time differences between people living in two different countries may affect communication between them. Even people working in different shifts in the same organization may also face problems in communicating effectively. Improper seating arrangement in a classroom or in a conference hall may also act as a barrier to effective communication as it is difficult to maintain eye contact with ones audience. Thus, communication can be successful only when the communicators manage to overcome the barrier s by minimizing the obstacles that crop up due to spatial and temporal factors. Wrong Choice of Medium This can also create a barrier to effective communication. For example, if an expert uses charts or graphs or PowerPoint presentations to orient the illiterate workers or volunteers to a new method of working, they are bound to be ill-equipped to infer any information or instructions from such sophisticated presentations. Surroundings Adverse weather conditions affect not only the means of communication, but also have an impact on the sender and the receiver of the message. When two people have to communicate with each other under extreme weather conditions, whether too hot or too cold, their surroundings do have a direct repercussion on the effectiveness of the exchange that takes place between them. Thus, environmental factors determine peoples mood and also influence their mental agility and thereby their capacity to communicate effectively. Extreme heat and humidity make people either hyper or listless and thus cause immense stress which in turn affects clear thinking and the attitude of the communicator; whereas, extreme cold weather induces laziness and also impedes the ability to think clearly and respond sharply, thereby causing communication failure. PERSONAL BARRIERS Communication is interpersonal in nature. Thus, there are certain barriers that are directly linked to the persons involved in the communication process, i.e. the sender and the receiver, which influence the accurate transfer of the message. These are called personal barriers. In any business organization, the attitude of the superiors and the subordinates play a vital role in determining the success of communication. If the superiors have a hostile attitude, then there are chances that they may filter the information or manipulate the message, sometimes intentionally, in order to achieve certain selfish motives. Many superiors are not open to suggestions and feedback as they presume that their subordinates are not capable of advising them. Also, they often tend to keep too busy with work and do not pay much attention to communication. Due to this, the downward flow of information within the organization is badly affected and this in turn leads to poor performance. Besides, the super iors often exercise their authority by insisting that the subordinates should approach them only through proper formal channels of communication. If, under any circumstances, the subordinates try to communicate to the superiors directly, then they may take offense as they perceive such an attempt as a challenge to their position of power. Such an attitude thus becomes a barrier to effective communication. On the other hand, there are certain factors that influence the participation of the subordinates in upward communication. Lack of confidence and fear are the primary reasons why the subordinates fail to communicate openly and comfortably with the superiors. If they feel that some information may, in some way, harm their prospect/ interest in the organization, then they prefer to conceal such information. In case, if that is not possible, then they filter the information so that they cannot be held responsible for the same. Moreover, when the superiors do not support the active involvement of the subordinates in the functioning of the organization by encouraging them to exchange their ideas and to give suggestions that would contribute to the success of the organization, the subordinates become indifferent to such reciprocity and this creates a barrier to upward communication. If the subordinates feel that their ideas and suggestions are of no value to the superiors, then they do not feel motivated to convey the same. Therefore, on the basis of the above discussion, we may conclude that personal barriers have their origin in the attitude of the sender as well as the receiver. Personal barriers often lead to distortion, filtering, and omission of information and thus have an adverse effect on the fidelity of communication. EMOTIONAL OR PERCEPTIONAL BARRIERS Emotional or perceptional barriers are closely associated with personal barriers. Personal barriers arise from motives and attitudes (as seen above), whereas emotional or perceptional barriers have an added dimension that includes sentiments and emotions as well. If the receiver does not evaluate the information with an open mind, i.e. objectively, his judgment/evaluation would be colored by his biases and/or his emotions, thus inducing him to read too much into a message. This would interfere with the exact transfer of information and cause misinterpretation. Such a barrier may also emerge at the time of encoding the message. Over-enthusiasm on the part of the sender may lead him to invest his message with meaning/s which he may actually not have intended to. Besides, too much aggression or passivity on the part of either the sender or the receiver, while communicating, also has an adverse effect on the success of communication. Also, too much of emotion thwarts reason and sometimes , the communicator, blinded by his own sentiments, makes impulsive judgments or illogical decisions. This also results in the breakdown of communication. Indolence, apathy, or the tendency to procrastinate, either on the part of the sender or the receiver, also lead to withholding of important information thus creating a barrier. Extreme emotions like euphoria, excitement, anger, stress, depression, etc. also get in the way of effective communication. All these factors may create biases in the mind of the sender and/or the receiver. Therefore, the sender and the receiver may encode and decode the message respectively as per their own perceptions, background, needs, experience, etc. And this leads to a distinct kind of exchange of ideas and feedback as well. They tend to obfuscate the reality and see what they want to see. This is also one kind of filtering that takes place during the communication process. SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS Socio-psychological barriers can also be considered as one of the offshoots of the personal barriers, akin to the perceptional barriers. We need to study it as a subcategory of personal barriers because a persons attitude is shaped not only by his instincts and emotions, but also by his approach towards and his interaction with the people around him, and hence the need for this fine distinction between the personal, the perceptional and the socio-psychological barriers. To begin with, the consciousness of ones position in an organization has an effect on the two-way flow of communication. A vertical channel of communication is present in every organization, but its efficacy is heavily influenced by the relationship between the superiors and the subordinates. Though many organizations are now becoming accustomed to the open door policy, the psychological distance between the superiors and the subordinates still prevails. Status consciousness is thus one of the major barriers to succes sful communication. Moreover, in a communication situation, the communicators have to deal with two aspects of the reality- the one as they see it and the other as they perceive it. The mind filters the message i.e. the words/symbols/signs and attributes meaning to them, according to individual perception. Each individual has his own distinctive filter, formed by his/her experiences, emotional makeup, knowledge, and mindset which s/he has attained over a period of time. Because of this difference in perceptions, different individuals respond to the same word/symbol/sign based on their own understanding of the situation and ascribe meaning to it on the basis of their unique filter. At times, his difference in perception causes the communication gap, i.e. distortion, in the message. In face-to-face communication, this gap can be easily eliminated as there is immediate feedback. But in written communication, the semantic gap between the intended meaning and the interpreted meaning remains unidentified, as the feedback is delayed or sometimes there is no feedback at all. Besides, a person with deeply ingrained prejudices is very difficult to communicate with. He is not responsive to discussion or to new ideas, information, viewpoints and opinions. He has a closed mind and tends to react antagonistically, thus ruling out all possibility of communication. An unreceptive mind can, hence, be a great barrier in communication. To overcome this barrier, people should be receptive of new ideas and must learn to listen considerately with an open mind. Also, sometimes the listener maybe too much in awe of or may completely distrust the speaker. In both these situations, the chances of success of the communication are very less. Furthermore, information overload leads to poor retention and causes information loss. So, whenever there is some important information to be conveyed, the communicators must use the written channel of communication. On the basis of the above discussion, we may thus conclude that the socio-psychological factors do have a profound impact on the effectiveness of communication. CULTURAL BARRIERS Culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is learned and shared within social groups and is transmitted by non-genetic means. (American Heritage Dictionary, 2005) From this definition, we can infer that culture is the sum total of ideas, customs, arts, rituals, skills, etc. of a group of people which is handed down from generation to generation. Simply put, culture is the shared ways in which groups of people understand and interpret the world. (F. Trompenaars, Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business; 1994) Each group, categorized on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, etc. has its own distinctive culture. Thus, there are varied subcultures that exist within a major culture. Such immense cultural diversity plays a very crucial role in communication as it has an extensive influence on both verbal and non-verbal communication a nd may therefore create barriers to effective communication. Cultural differences give rise to a great deal of complexity in the encoding and the decoding of messages not only because of the difference in languages, but also because of plenty of culture-specific assumptions at work in the mind of the sender as well as the receiver. People belonging to different cultures may attach different meanings to words, symbols, gestures, and behaviour or they may perceive each others social values, body language, attitude to space distancing and time, social behaviour and manners, etc., i.e. the entire culture in general, very differently depending upon their own standards, attitudes, customs, prejudices, opinions, behavioral norms, etc., i.e. their own distinct culture. Thus, cultural barriers arise when people belonging to different cultures insist on preserving their cultural identities and at times, judge the other cultures as inferior to their own. (For a detailed discussion on the various elements that can create cultural barriers, refer Chapter ___ International Communication on page ___) ORGANIZATIONAL BARRIERS Organizational structure greatly influences the flow of information within an organization. Some major organizational barriers are as follows: Goal Conflicts There may be goal conflicts within the organization between the superiors and the subordinates, between people working in the different departments, between the colleagues, etc. This may create a hostile atmosphere within the organization and can lead to serious communication breakdown. Organizational Policies These are also to a great extent responsible for determining the kind of rapport that people working in the same organization share with each other. If the organizational policy is such that it restricts the free flow of information in all directions (refer Formal Channels of Communication on page ___), then communication would not be successful. In some organizations, there may be rules that restrict the flow of certain messages and this may deter the employees from conveying those messages, however important they may be. If the organization favours the open door policy, the subordinates would not feel shy and reluctant to approach their superiors directly. But in the organizations where the formal channels of communication have to be strictly followed, the superiors and the subordinates share a very awkward relationship. They experience a lot of discomfiture while interacting with each other. Because of this, the objective of communication may never be accomplished. Organizational Hierarchy The hierarchical structure of the organization also impedes the flow of information and causes delay in taking decisions. When the message passes along the chain of command in an organization, there are chances of filtering and distortion of the message at almost every level before it reaches the intended receiver. Thus, the hierarchical structure of the organization is also one of the important factors that may create a barrier to effective communication. On the basis of the above discussion, we may thus sum up that barriers to communication are the aspects of or conditions in a workplace- such as status differences, gender differences, cultural differences, prejudices, and the organizational environment- that interfere with effective exchange of ideas or thoughts. (Business Dictionary) However, there are certain specific strategies that can help us to surmount these obstacles and achieve the purpose of communication. These are discussed in detail in the following section. GUIDELINES- HOW TO OVERCOME BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION On the basis of the various kinds of communication barriers listed in the previous section, let us now ennumerate certain strategies that would help us to overcome these barriers and thus improve communication. As effective communication is essential for the success of a business organization, the communicators must take care to remove the barriers in the way of communication, to the best extent possible. In communication, it is not enough only to know the message. For communication to be complete, the message must be understood by the audience. The communicator shares his message through the medium of words- spoken or written, through gestures, through symbols, etc. Thus, from this we can infer that communication, whether verbal or nonverbal, is symbolic in nature. These two aspects of communication determine the fundamental difference between effective and ineffective communication. If an idea/information is known to but not fully understood by the receiver, then the communication will be ineffective. The sender can know whether the message has been understood by the receiver through his response, i.e. feedback. The following are some general guidelines for the sender and the receiver of the message: For the Sender of the Message At the very outset, that the sender should reveal the purpose of his message and the important topics that he would deal with. By doing so, he prepares the receiver for what is to follow. This helps the receiver to identify the main points of the message, to recognize the link among the important ideas that the message contains and to organize them in a meaningful pattern in his mind. The message should be compact and the sender should concentrate exclusively on the main ideas or information that he intends to convey. Likewise, the sender should situate his ideas in an appropriate context so that the audience will evaluate and interpret them within that common frame of reference which the sender has indicated or suggested. While communicating, the sender should, at all times, emphasize the important points of the message with the help of bulleted lists, chart, graphs, illustrations, body language, tone, pitch, etc. He should also provide a summary at the end of his presentation or write-up. This will help the receiver to grasp the overall meaning of the message, thus making it easy to understand the various parts, i.e. ideas, in relation to the overall framework. The sender should arrange the ideas/information in such a way that it is appealing to the audiences visual and/or auditory senses. In written communication, the writer may make use of an attractive layout and good quality paper to attract the readers attention. While communicating orally, the sender must take care to minimize noise. He should make sure that his surroundings are well-equipped with the necessary acoustics. He should pay special attention to his facial expressions, gesture, and eye contact with the audience at the time of deliver ing the message. The sender should be clear about why he wants to communicate and his message should be precise and well-structured. He should take care to select an appropriate channel or medium so that the impact of message is not lost in transmission. He should send his message through an effective channel i.e. keeping in mind his audience and the purpose of the message and should select a channel where there are less chances of distortion. The sender should avoid using grandiloquent words in order to avoid the possibility of misinterpretation of the overall meaning of the message. The sender should neither burden the receiver with information overload nor should he provide him too little information. He should identify his audience before encoding the message so that he knows what his audience may already known and in what context he should place his message. The sender should formulate and deliver his message in such a way that it retains the audiences interest in what he intends to convey. He s hould do away with all his prejudices and preconceived notions and must communicate clearly and with an open mind. All these would enable him to have an audience-centric approach while encoding his message. For the Receiver of the Message In the initial stage of the communication process, the onus is entirely on the sender of the message. But in the later stage, the receiver plays an active role once he starts absorbing and processing the information in his mind. Thus, the receiver of the message also plays an equally important role in the successful completion of communication. Not all barriers are sender-oriented. The barriers arising from the side of the receiver are known as receiver-oriented barriers. The foremost barrier on the part of the receiver is poor retention. When the message being conveyed is of complex nature, he may lose track of the context in which the sender has initiated communication. To overcome this barrier, the receiver must develop the habit of noting down the important points. If the receiver has a difficulty in concentrating on the message or if he is not interested in the topic being discussed, this too would have a direct influence on his ability to listen effectively. In order to deal with such situations, the receiver should accustom his mind to absorb and assimilate all kinds of information by making a conscious effort to generate interest in and concentrate upon what is being conveyed. When the receiver is too judgmental about the message been delivered or too critical of the style of delivery of the sender, it creates a bar rier as the receiver totally misses out on what the sender is actually trying to communicate. Thus, the receiver should avoid being judgmental and should not be in a hurry to evaluate the message without being aware of the exact context in which it articulated. Prejudices can also create a barrier in the mind of the receiver at the time of the reception and decoding of the message. If the receiver is indifferent to or has any presumptions regarding the sender or what he is trying to put across, then his biases will create a mental block and interfere with his ability to evaluate the content of the message objectively and judiciously. This will lead to misinterpretation of the message and communication will fail. Thus, the receiver must take in new ideas/information with an open mind and should not let his biases influence his perception and reasoning ability. People with deep-rooted biases and a rigid mindset tend to be resistant to new ideas. Such inflexibility hampers listening and leads to miscommunication. Hence, both the sender and receiver should be receptive of new ideas in order to overcome such psychological and personal barriers. To sum up, most of the barriers in communication can be overcome if the sender encodes his message in a clear and precise manner, leaving no room for misinterpretation or miscommunication, and if the receiver acquires effective listening skills and gives an appropriate and timely feedback. When the communicators are able to surmount the barriers and succeed in exchanging their ideas/opinions/information without any omission, filtering or distortion, communication is said to have achieved its purpose. Let us now discuss how effective communication can be achieved within a business organization. Business organizations should adopt an open door policy at all levels. There should be an atmosphere of trust and confidence in the organization so that the communication gap between the superiors and the subordinates may be reduced. Organizational hierarchies and policies should not deter the free flow of information within an organization. The superiors must encourage their subordinates to communicate without hesitation. Such two-way communication within an organization will definitely help minimize the communication gap between the employees. The subordinates should be encouraged to participate in the decision-making process and also in solving problems or dispelling crises situations in an organization. Their ideas and contributions should be valued as this would motivate them to come up with innovative ideas/solutions and share them with their superiors with some conviction. Providing an open environment which is conducive to free interaction among the employees will prove beneficial and will contribute to the growth and success of the organization. The simplification, decentralization, and democratization of the communication network within an organization will definitely help in improving communication and making it effective. There should be frequent meetings, conferences, etc. and the management should ensure that the subordinates take an active part in the functioning of the organization i.e. not only by executing the orders or carrying out the instructions passively but also by contributing to the formulation of organizational policies and by sharing their knowledge and experience which can in turn help the superiors in making better business decisions. Such a participative and democratic approach would help reduce the communication barriers to great extent. In short, in business communication there are chances of communication failure because the message is not only complex in itself but also the stages through which it passes renders it susceptible to various interferences, i.e. barriers- semantic, personal, psychological, and/or organizational. To become a successful communicator, one must keep in mind the aforementioned guidelines in order to overcome the communication barriers and to communicate effectively. CHAPTER REVIEW In this chapter, we have discussed the meaning of the

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to Read a Roman Portrait :: Roman Portraiture

Roman portraiture is more realistic than previous idealistic Hellanistic styles. They better depict each subject’s individuality to a degree never seen before. The purpose of Roman portraiture is to address the audience and convey specific messages to them. Each Roman portrait is an imperial commemorative relief and are representations of each subject’s ideology in ruling. The Roman portraits allegorically communicate these ideologies through the veristic image of the ruler. The portrayals of their emotions are also pragmatic. The way the leader’s image is portrayed, (i.e. by the way they choose to wear their hair and beard), depicts how their leadership will be perceived. Augustus’s statue portrayed him as an individualistic faction leader and tended to be more idealistic. For example, although he did start ruling as a youth, at the age of 18, his face was, continually, throughout his life, shown with youthfulness and vibrancy. He also had an archetypal body type of a hero and is shown with the omission of his boots, a reference to the ideal heroic statue. Lastly, there is a dolphin riding Cupid at his ankle which reminded the viewer that he was of divine descent. However, there was a limit to which he could exalt himself. He could not promote his individual character and will above the Roman public which would call for distrust and resentment. On the contrary, other portraits tend to be more veristic in style, humbling the subject. Their portraits tend to call to attention their service to the state and faithfulness to the constitution of the republic as opposed to their individual greatness or divinity. This was shown through their crude images of wear and tear in their expressions. For example, in the portraiture of the unknown republican shows him balding and toothless, aged and wrinkled. His character reflects that of a grim and haggard state from the agonies and stress of a Roman civil war. Although each imperial relief may differ, there are organized central motifs which surround them. These themes include: â€Å"pietas in the scenes of sacrifice, clementia in the scenes of pardon, extended to supplicating barbarians, virtus in the scenes of military conquest, concordia in the scenes of address and counsel† –Nodelman, p19, which are the common criteria upon which a emperor is fit to rule.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Defining a Higher Education Essay -- Expository Definition Essays

Defining a Higher Education A university education is the key to a career, not just a job; it is a higher education that stimulates the brain to handle new challenges, and the intelligence to view the bigger picture of life. Students who attend college are seeking the knowledge it takes to live a better life. Two authors who discuss their views on education in their essays are Jon Spayde, â€Å"Learning in the Key of Life† and John Henry Newman, â€Å"The Idea of University.† Both essays discuss the importance of a higher education, but each author has a different definition. In the essay, â€Å"Learning in the Key of Life,† Jon Spayde relates education from a university to the real world, and defines education as a connection between reality and ideas (62). Spayde’s main point in the essay is that a quality education is obtained through living life. According to Spayde, â€Å"There is no divide in American life that hurts more than the one between those we consider well educated and those who are poorly or inadequately schooled†(60). He denies that emphasis should be placed on tech...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Freak the Mighty and The Mighty compare and contrast

Freak the Mighty and The Mighty and both known by many. One is a book and the other is a movie based on the book. Although they can relate to each other this book and movie both are unique in their own ways. One similarity of these pieces of art is that the chapters match up. Max’s childlike chapter titles are very much incorporated in the movie. For example, chapter 6 of the book â€Å"Close Encounter of the Turd Kind† is narrated in the movie. In addition, Killer Kane comes to the down under just as expected after the chapter title â€Å" What Came Down the Chimney†.Also, when Grim gets a gun Max hears the wretchedly loud conversation his grandparents had that he is not supposed to hear, just like in the book. Furthermore, the tone set by Rodman Philbrick is undeniably there considering the execution of the suspenseful scenes, i. e. when Kevin starts choking on american chop suey and when Max is throwing things in frustration when he learns his father is on par ole. While these similarities show what these pieces have incommon Freak the Mighty and The Mighty still have differences that make them distinctive.Although the characters have the same names, I have got to say there appearance was definitely incorrect. In the book Max was said to be 7 feet tall, while Kevin was said to be 2 feet tall. In the movie Max was about 6 feet and Kevin was the height of an average 6th grader at Eldorado K-8 ( about 4†6’). Kevin was supposed to have blond hair and blue eyes ( the movie gave him brown eyes and brown hair) while Maxes appearance was not clear in the book. Additionally, in the book, Kevin and Max seemingly lived in suburbia while the movie gave the impression they lived in much more of a city.For example, the old testaments seemed much bigger and better-looking than described in the book ( broken toys and ragged and dirty children who seemed a little broken themselves). The minor problem in plot detail is a third difference. In t he movie, Kevin is apparently Max’s LD (learning disabled) reading tutor. In the book there is no mention of tutoring that went on between the boys in school. Without a doubt, Freak the Mighty and The Mighty remain comparable by their names and who the story was inspired or written by, but these pieces are individual works of art with varying traits.