Saturday, February 15, 2020

Trial Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trial Observation - Essay Example I strolled into the courtroom at 1:18 PM, noticed there were only the attorneys of the defense as well as the people. Apart from that, a map with points drawn in various colors, hang alongside the wall on an easel, for communicating space between various locations. Finally, Judge Honor Nanci Grant arrived in the court with the jury in tow and immediately after settling, the trial begun with the swearing in of witnesses for the people. Firstly, the police detective responsible for the lawsuit as well as the arrest of the defendant had been called in by the prosecutor. Primarily, the questioning of the detective focused on the map discussing the distance from the point of arrest together with a school roughly 400 feet away as the witness narrated. The point of arrest then began to be called the â€Å"18 and Allison† home. Subsequently, the detective was questioned about what was discovered in custody of the defendant. The detective responded that he together with his colleagues stumbled upon lottery tickets concealed in a manner to be utilized as pouch something that proved a plan to distribute heroin. Alongside the lottery â€Å"pouches† the police further discovered 39 tenths of a gram of â€Å"normal quality† heroin having a street worth of $390. Thus the officer was convinced to consider that the quantity was doubtful and it would have dawned on any other officer that the defendant also had the intention to distribute versus basically being in possession of the drugs. More evidence was brought into the lawsuit, for instance , letters to the defendant. My assumption was that the prosecutor used them to confirm defendant’ residence at the time. Included were photographs showing the defendant’s shoes together with the table having the items on it, on the night of the raid. One’s impression of Mr. Lewis’ chances initially and what you saw toward his departure had changed dramatically. After hearing the cross-examination of the detective and Mr. Lewis you could see room for mistakes. The circumstances involved with the household could have led to a mistake in the identity of possession; the facts against the defendant may not have been his. However, Mr. Lewis could be guilty or not guilty; the jury could arrive at either decision. Finally, alongside the appreciation for the law, I gained new knowledge; I learned what a choirboy was. I also now see why that would be crucial to the case since it is a household item but can also be used for doing drugs. I further learned the strictn ess of following the system when trying a case. For every piece of evidence brought up, there had to be permission from the judge to admit it or even show it to the witness. Lastly, one could not fail to appreciate the legal system in place for placing the burden of proof on the people and having the defendant innocent until proven guilty.   

Sunday, February 2, 2020

How management team can have a goog fight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How management team can have a goog fight - Essay Example The article outlines the authors’ purpose of identifying possible conflicts in the management and the adverse effects they will have to the organization. There are research findings that the authors analyzed to elaborate on their project. The authors discovered that managers’ exhibit authoritative powers vested on them by the organization so that the subordinates realize their positions and mandate in the organization. The authors identify different phases whereby, the managers exhibit personal behaviors based on personal motives and not the organization’s set goals and objectives. They briefly analyze and realize that organizations are vulnerable to the conflicts, and the most harmful is the fact that, challenges arise whenever the company seeks to coerce managers to deliver their functions jointly with lesser conflicts (Eisenhardt, et al 77). Kathleen and coauthors research depicts the conflicts should alternate from unethical to ethical, and to that extent, will be beneficial for to the organizational performances. On a different expedition, the authors researched on conflicts of managements in technology-based organizations. They undertook the project throughout technology-based companies, whereby they interviewed executives at the individual capacities. They established that the top-management teams faced challenges in the dynamic environment, despite managing conflicts in the organization. They met the threats of uncertainty and discontinuity of operations lest they resolved internal conflicts. The researchers depicted that, most of the managers would argue out on the conflicts technological dynamics tend to call for faster approaches in resolution and adoption respectively, which tends to strain the organization beyond the capacity. The findings depict that emotional and egocentric characteristics will unlikely inhibit the negative influence of conflicts and adaptation to vulnerable changes