Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Right Diet for Osteoporosis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 493 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Diet Essay Did you like this example? Osteoporosis is a bone disease of the skeleton. Mass and strength of the bones are reduced, their brittleness is increased. In Austria, around 700,000 people suffer from osteoporosis, but only 25% know about their disease. Osteoporosis is one of the ten most common diseases worldwide. Their importance will continue to increase due to the increasing age of the population. However, regular exercise and calcium-rich diets can prevent or control osteoporosis. Pharmacist Hans-Peter Hubmann, Chairman of the Bavarian Pharmacists Association eV, how to prevent this widespread disease. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Right Diet for Osteoporosis" essay for you Create order What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a chronic skeletal disease in which significantly more bone mass is broken down than built up. The vernacular therefore calls the disease bone loss. Because the bones are porous and fragile in osteoporosis sufferers, bone fractures can occur even at low loads. If you suspect osteoporosis or as part of a check-up, the doctor may, for. B. perform a bone density measurement. Prevention in childhood Especially children can prevent, because until around the age of 30 outweighs the structure of the bone against the natural bone degradation. Calcium is especially important for bone formation. A diet rich in calcium and vitamins is therefore very important for healthy bones. A good source of calcium are z. As milk and dairy products. In addition, a lot of exercise in the fresh air is very well suited to prevent osteoporosis. Because through physical activity, the bones are trained in addition to the muscles. In addition, sunlight causes the production of vitamin D, an important vitamin for bone metabolism. Osteoporosis in old age Older adults can also keep their bones stable with a calcium and vitamin D rich diet and plenty of outdoor exercise. It does not depend on sweaty sports, but especially on enough exercise in everyday life. If necessary, preparations with calcium and vitamin D can help, but you should take only after prior consultation in the pharmacy or by the doctor. Calcium rich diet Through lifelong, healthy diet with adequate calcium intake, combined with a lot of physical activity, a healthy, strong bone can be built up and maintained. In order to be able to use calcium well, the body needs sufficient vitamin D. Without the mineral calcium and without vitamin D, there is no stable bone. Doctors and pharmacists recommend to provide daily with about 1000 milligrams of calcium. Good calcium sources are low-fat milk and dairy products, green vegetables z. As broccoli or kale, fresh herbs, nuts and certain mineral waters. Incidentally, patients who are also suffering from lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) no longer have to do without dairy products. Lactose-free milk and dairy products are now available in every supermarket and they contain the same valuable ingredients as conventional milk, so they can also provide the necessary calcium intake. No less important for bone metabolism is vitamin D. Without the sun vitamin, the body does not absorb calcium from food into the bones. Even regular exercise helps to keep the bones stable and resilient.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Comparing The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck and To...

â€Å"And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quicklime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is a failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath† (Steinbeck 349). John Steinbeck, the author of The Grapes of Wrath, portrays the migrant’s resentment of the California land owners and their way of life and illustrates that the vagrants from Oklahoma are yearning for labor, provisions, and human decency. Similarly in To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee elucidates the concept that people should be treated with inclusive human dignity and be affected by good aspects rather than deleterious†¦show more content†¦In the novel, grapes epitomize the wrath of the migrants to the land owners. Steinbeck also uses a turtle to symbolize the tormenting agony and the help the Joads received while venturing to California, â€Å"A sedan driven by a forty-year-old woman approached. She saw the turtle and swung to the right, off the highway . . . And now a light truck approached, and as it came near, the driver saw the turtle and swerved to hit it† (Steinbeck 15). Rose of Sharon’s stillborn child is a representation of the Joad’s indigence and destitution. The family has been torn apart and separated, they all have little to live from, and it is too much for them to handle (Steinbeck 216). The theme of The Grapes of Wrath is also developed upon its shifts between third person omniscient and objective points of view. The narrator of the novel follows the Joad’s excursion to California and describes events from a broader view. The chapters of the Joad’s story are primarily told from an objective point of view in which the Joads communicate to each other, but it sometimes shifts to an omniscient point of view where the narrator will take the voice of a car salesman or a broad view of the Dust Bowl migration. At these points, Steinbeck reveals how the wealthy members of society exploit impoverished and powerless people, â€Å"Get ‘em ready to deal, an’ I’ll close ‘em. Goin’ to California? Here’s jus’ what you need. Looks shot, but they’s thousan’s of miles in her† (Steinbeck 66). In addition

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Machiavelli and Bush Free Essays

In school, we came to know about Niccolo Machiavelli through his extremely popular statement, â€Å"The end justifies the means† (Machiavelli n.p.). We will write a custom essay sample on Machiavelli and Bush or any similar topic only for you Order Now Due to the unsavory reputation that has hounded Niccolo Machiavelli, the terminology Machiavellian is now utilized to describe a leadership style that is shrewd/cunning, deceiving/to be regarded with suspicion, as well as, ruthless/cold-blooded; a kind of leadership which is actually instituted upon â€Å"power politics† (Machiavelli n.p.). Political Action is an End Itself Furthermore, for some individuals who have read Machiavelli’s thoughts and ideas, they consider him as a â€Å"negative person†, sometimes he is even addressed as â€Å"somebody who is upholding evil and sin† (Machiavelli n.p.). In fact, the church considers him as immoral, unethical, and even evil (Machiavelli n.p.). This is because politics for Machiavelli should be taken as something which should not be blended with topics of religion, morality, as well as, ethics since politics he says is instituted upon its own value system (Machiavelli n.p.). For him, to evaluate political actions basing on religion or ethical standards is actually unwarranted (Machiavelli n.p.). Moreover, Machiavelli states that the end of the state is the acquirement/getting hold of, preservation, as well as, development/growth of authority/political power (Machiavelli n.p.). Comparing it to the other critical thinkers of the Machiavellian world, Machiavelli just do not consider this as â€Å"a means to an end† but an end in itself (Machiavelli n.p.). What he is saying is that if an act that’s motivated by politics leads to acquirement/getting hold of, preservation, as well as, development/growth of authority/political power then it is reasonable, understandable, and acceptable as well (Machiavelli n.p.). Similarities of Machiavelli and Bush This is where President Bush connects with Niccolo Machiavelli, President Bush believes that by annihilating the ruler, for instance, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, he will be able to strengthen his hold and power and to bring about unity in the state and since that is the case, like Machiavelli, he believes that his action is justifiable (Thompson n.p). In addition to that, President Bush like Machiavelli feels that since they are the type of rulers who planned to get the better of, and to safeguard the state, then they will be eternally judged to be praiseworthy and be commended by everyone (Machiavelli n.p.). Last but not least, since Machiavelli believes that a ruler has to be cruel and ruthless if he has to; Bush patterned his attitude on that as well (Thompson n.p). He declared a war against Iraq which annihilated two hundred Americans working for the U.S. Armed Forces (Thompson n.p). Furthermore, his declaration also caused the death of countless Iraqi civilians, of which several are women and children (Thompson n.p). Added to that is the fact that such a war costs one hundred billion dollars, which if spent back home then will surely benefit more who are starving and are suffering from poverty (Thompson n.p). All of the above-mentioned entails a great deal of cruelty which should not at all occur in the first place (Machiavelli n.p.).   However, because, President Bush thinks that all these political actions he took are bound to cause the state to unite, then declaring a war even if it would cause countless deaths is still right and should not be negated or objected upon   (Machiavelli n.p.). Simply put, both President Bush and Machiavelli are similar basically on how they rule; to them, cruelty is justified as long as it will unite their state in the end (Machiavelli n.p.). Works Cited Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince. 1505. n.a. 16 April 2008. http://www.constitution.org/mac/prince.txt Thompson, Robert. n.d. n.a. 16 April 2008.                   How to cite Machiavelli and Bush, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Commercial Papermaking Essay Example For Students

Commercial Papermaking Essay Paper in 20th-century civilization, is one of our most important industrial products. Books, magazines, and newspapers are printed on paper. Data from computers are usually printed on paper. Education, government and industry could not operate without printing and writing on paper. Paperboard used in packaging, and absorbent papers tissue and towelling are other widely used paper products. Paper is made from cellulose fibbers, which are found in all plant cell walls. When a mixture of water and fibbers is filtered through a fine screen, the fibbers tangle together to form a sheet of paper. As the wet sheet is dried chemical bonds form between the molecules in cellulose fibbers next to one and other. This gives the sheet of paper its strength. The grade and type of any paper depends on the fibbers and processes used in making it. The basic process of making paper has not changed in more than 2000 years. It involves two stages: the breaking up of raw materials in water to make a suspension of individual fibbers and the formation of felted sheets by spreading this suspension on a porous surface, to drain excess water. We will write a custom essay on Commercial Papermaking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The essential steps of papermaking by machine are identical with those of hand papermaking just much more complex. The first step in machine papermaking is the preparation of the raw material. For centuries, the main raw materials used in papermaking were cotton and linen fibbers obtained from rags. Today more than 95 percent of paper is made from wood cellulose. Wood is used mainly for the cheapest grades of paper, such as newsprint. Cotton and linen fibbers are still used for high quality writing and artists papers. Many kinds of wood can be used such as aspen, beach, birch fir, gum, hemlock, oak, pine, and spruce. The preparation of making wood into a pulp for papermaking is accomplished in two different ways. In the groundwood process, blocks of wood are held against a fast revolving grindstone that shreds off short wood fibbers from the block. The fibbers produced by this process are short and are used only in the production of cheap newsprint and used to be added with other types of wood fibber in the making of high-quality paper. Another technique uses a chemical-solvent processes where wood chips are treated with solvents that remove resinous material and lignin from the wood, leaving pure fibbers of cellulose. The oldest of the chemical-solvent processes, the soda process, introduced in 1851, uses a solution of caustic soda sodium hydroxide as a solvent. The wood is cooked or digested in this solution under steam pressure. The fibbers produced by this process do not have great strength but are used in mixtures with other wood fibbers. Pulps produced by any of these processes are washed then passed through a series of screens to remove knots, debris, and other unwanted material. Some pulps are bleached to produce a whiter sheet of paper. Most paper today is made on Fourdrinier machines patented after the first successful papermaking machine, which was developed in the early 19th century. It is capable of making a continuous sheet of paper up to 33 feet wide, at speeds faster than 3,000 feet per minute. Some machines are more than 350 feet long. The Fourdrinier machine has an endless belt of wire mesh that moves horizontally. A flow of watery pulp is spread on the level belt that passes over a number of rolls. A shallow wooden box beneath the belt catches most of the water that drains off, leaving a matt of fibbers on the surface of the wire. Air suction pumps beneath the belt help to drain the water through the wire, and the belt itself is moved from side to side to aid the felting of the fibbers. Once the sheet of fibbers is strong enough it is then passed between large press rolls that squeeze out most of the remaining water from the sheet. At this point a watermark may be produced by pressing a wire pattern into the to surface of the wet sheet. .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .postImageUrl , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:hover , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:visited , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:active { border:0!important; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:active , .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucab20cdfc10199390a70a0359425de0a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Solar Energy: An Alternative Energy EssayAny other water is removed as the sheet is passed over steam-heated cylinders. Chemical bonds that hold the finished sheet together also take place at this step. The next stage is known as calendaring, pressing between smooth chilled rolls to produce the smooth finish known as machine finish. At the end of the Fourdrinier machine, the paper is slit by revolving cutters and wound on reels. The production of the paper is completed once the sheets are cut into smaller sections, unless the paper is to be used on a continuous press that uses rolls of paper. Special papers are given additional treatment. Supercalendered paper is subjected to a further calendering process under great pressure between metal and paper-covered rolls. Coated paper, such as is used for fine halftone reproduction, is sized with clay or glue and calendered. Paper is usually sold by the ream, in sheets of standard sizes. A ream of paper usually contains 480 sheets, but reams of drawing paper and handmade paper contain 472 sheets. Book paper and newsprint for flat-plate printing are sold in reams of 500 sheets and in perfect reams of 516 sheets. The most common book-paper size is octavo 112 by 168 cm/44 by 66 in. Newsprint for rotary-press printing comes in rolls of varying sizes; a typical roll of newsprint, as used by large metropolitan newspapers in the U. S. , is about 168 cm 66 in wide, 7925 m 26,000 ft long, and weighs about 725 kg 1600 lb. In the United States alone, the consumption of paper and paperboard averages about 660 pounds per person each year and about 64 million metric tones of paper and paperboard are produced annually. With such great demand, papermaking is continuously being improved and modernized, and new machines are constantly being developed.